Aft Cabin Part 2: Fiberglass Repair, New Floor, Paint, Insulation
Yeah. I know. It’s been like 2 years since I updated this website. I’ve actually made progress. Just haven’t updated the site in a while. Let’s start with some small things I accomplished.
Cabin Wall Rebuild Part 3: Mostly Sanding
When last we checked, I had applied a thick helping of fairing to the cabin walls. Now that we are in the boatyard, we can sand it smooth. This took a really long time. Luckily, Lauren found it hypnotically relaxing.
Cabin Wall Rebuild Part 2: Fairing, Epoxy, New Hatch, and More Fairing
Now that Rick and Jayme were done with their portion of the work, it was on to my portion. I had to fair all of the cabin walls, fill some areas with thickened epoxy, and install a new hatch. I did this over the course of like two months, so I’m going to break it down by project.
The Refit Plan
Here’s my plan for upgrades and repairs. I see three “types” of projects. Projects I can do at home, projects I can do while in the water, and projects I have to do on “the hard”, up in Port Townsend. I have 3 weeks of vacation each year, so that’s when I’d tackle those big projects. One marina has a 2 year waitlist for a live aboard. The one I want, has a 5 year waitlist. I’m hoping the first one opens up, I can move aboard, save money, and then move to the other one when it’s ready. I’m basing this on priority, as well as season. For instance,…