About Us
Current Crew
Balerion the Dread is part munchkin, part tabby, all energy. He is a mighty hunter, just like his namesake, who makes his prey scatter in fear. His prey consists of strings, body parts, furry things, feathery things, dangling things, shiny things, tasty things, and you. In his free time, he is practicing the catch the red dot, and resting up for his next big attack.
Meraxes the Menacing is a *clears throat* long haired chocolate cream dapple piebald miniature dachshund. He likes long naps on the beach, belly rubs, and smelling flowers. In his free time, he is working on his doctorate in relaxation, with a focus on naps.
Chris is a writer, accountant, and out of work superhero (allegedly). His life long dream has been to be a pirate. After years of watching sailing videos on YouTube, reading countless articles, and obsessing about exploring the world, he is ready to set his dream in motion. In his free time, he likes reading and complaining.
Former Crew
Rainbow was a spoiled and permanently displeased Calico. She had a dream about eating tuna one day, so she issued a royal proclamation for us to buy a boat so she could have tuna at any time of the day or night. In her free time, she likes eating tuna, thinking about eating tuna, and complaining that she doesn’t have tuna.
RIP 2003-2020
Special Thanks
Many people have helped me through this refit, so I want to thank Kellan, Lauren, Dennise, Kaitlin, Blake, Rich, Jayme, Ian, Shanail, Q, Jessica, Mikaela, George, and of course my fake parents who have done far more for me that I deserve and whom I will never be able to adequately repay.